Krista Hustead

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it’s full of tips & hints

Need a pick-me-up that won’t have you ending up in bed the next day? Read away and learn all of my best kept *not so secret* secrets for running an efficient, organized business. 

Strategic Planning 101 for Online Businesses

Strategic Planning 101 for Online Businesses

When it comes to navigating the ever-evolving online business world, strategic planning is like your trusty map—it guides you toward success. Let's dive into some practical strategies to fortify your online venture! SWOT Analysis: Uncover Insights First things...

A Year in review

A Year in review

As we approach the end of the year, it's time to pause, look back, and acknowledge the journey we've undertaken. Much like the seasons changing, our business landscape has evolved—sometimes with the gentle breezes of success and at other times, the stormy challenges...

What is an obm?

What is an obm?

You may have heard the term "OBM" floating around in the online business world, but you might not be entirely sure what it means. Well, let me break it down for you. An OBM stands for "Online Business Manager." Think of them as a superhero for your business - they're...

The 3 Keys To Successful Delegation

The 3 Keys To Successful Delegation

Are you a genius at creating websites but you are spending hours scheduling your social media and responding to endless customer service emails requesting their password for the 47th time?  Do you love spending 1:1 time with your clients but don’t have time for calls...

30+ Ways an oBM can help you

Want To Learn All My Secrets?

I know you want them

Learn the most effective ways an Online Business Manager (OBM) can help you save time, maximize your business potential, and achieve your goals.