Krista Hustead

Are you a genius at creating websites but you are spending hours scheduling your social media and responding to endless customer service emails requesting their password for the 47th time? 

Do you love spending 1:1 time with your clients but don’t have time for calls because you’re busy writing copy for your latest opt-in and spending your free time managing client projects?

I’m as guilty of this as the next business owner. Whether you’re procrasti-working or don’t want to let go of anything because your business is your baby and no one can do it better then you – I understand!

So how can you move towards the freedom you want in your business?

Learn to Delegate

You created your business for many reasons and I can guarantee that none of them was because you wished to spend your day doing things you didn’t really want to do.

Delegate tasks that are not absolutely essential to be done yourself!

Finding yourself the perfect team member to pick up the slack and take care of administration, recurring tasks, and project management will create room to focus on those areas that are most important to you.

There is no reason to spend weeks pouring over how to develop a Facebook ad campaign when you can hire an online business manager to create one in a matter of days.

It’s time to live in your zone of genius. 

3 Easy Steps to Delegation

Delegation is a critical aspect of running a successful small business. You cannot do everything yourself and need to trust your team to take on important tasks. Here are three key secrets to effective delegation in a small business:

1. Clearly Define Responsibilities: To delegate effectively, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the tasks and responsibilities you’re delegating. This means breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable pieces and making sure everyone involved understands their role and responsibilities.

2. Choose the Right People: Delegation is only effective if you delegate to the right people. Choose team members who have the skills and experience to handle the task at hand, and who you trust to get the job done. It’s important to consider their strengths and weaknesses and delegate tasks that match their skills.

3. Provide Support and Feedback: Delegation does not mean simply handing off tasks and forgetting about them. It’s important to provide support and feedback to your team members to ensure they have what they need to succeed. This includes providing the necessary resources, training, and guidance, as well as giving regular feedback to help them improve and grow.

Delegation can help lighten your workload, free up time for other important tasks, and help your business grow and thrive, plus it helps your team shine!

So don’t be afraid to delegate and trust your team to get the job done!

Whether you need help in hiring team members or more effectively delegating to the team you have, this is something that I help clients with every day. Let’s chat about how I can help you!


30+ Ways an OBM Can Help You and Your Business

Learn the most effective ways an Online Business Manager (OBM) can help you save time, maximize your business potential, and achieve your goals.  

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